Nov 23, 2009


An upcoming event that falls on 27th January 2010 organised by Sports Club is OPEN for registration! Top 3 teams will be awarded with attractive prizes of medals and vouchers. CCA points are also given out for participation!

The game is carried out with 2 teams(5 guys, 3 girls each team) at their own territory (1/4 bball court) and having to aim at opponents of below waist with a sponge ball that is soaked in water. Elimination of member occurs when victim is hit by sponge ball. Game time is 15 mins with half-time after 7 mins.

Registration forms can be found in respective Constitutive Clubs and also in Sports Club. A booth for payment($8/team) and collection of forms will be set up on 2nd and 4th Dec, near FC 5, from 11am-1pm.

C'mon and get yourself drenched under the hot sun! It would be a whole lot of fun with having to dodge balls and being splashed with cold refreshing water! SEE YOU THERE! :D

*SPSSC members are allowed to join as well.


Nov 19, 2009

There will be a Mac Ritchie Race organized by Student Sports Club on the 12th December 2009. Attractive prizes will be awarded for the first 3 teams that complete the race! CCA points will be awarded as well as upon participation.

There will be a total of 12 teams competing, minimum 5 per group (2 girls... & 3 guys). The event will start approximately from 10am to 4pm. Find your way through from MacRitchie to Bukit Timah. This could be a chance for you to exercise, bond, as well as win free vouchers! There will be a fee charge of $10 upon participation.

And of course, free event tee-shirt will be given out to finishers!

1st Prize - $150 adidas vouchers

2nd Prize - $100 adidas vouchers

3rd Prize - $50 adidas vouchers
There will be a booth set up outside FC 5 from today onwards until 30th November 2009. So if you are interested in this event, do drop by our booth to sign up! More details will be shared at our booth, hope to hear from you soon!